The Laziness Myth, Treat Laziness with Kindness

My most popular reel to date is a video of me applying lip gloss while listening to audio explaining that laziness is a Puritanical myth.

Naturally, there were mixed responses which is why I will provide a brief history of the word lazy.

The word Lazy likely came into use during the 16th Century in England and may be rooted in the word “lay,” meaning “to cause to lie or rest.” It also seems to connect with the low German words läösig, laisch, and the French word lassé, which all roughly translate to “tired, weary, slack, weak, and feeble.”


During the 14th Century, the dominant religion in England was Catholicism. However, Puritans, also known as English Protestants, were coming on the rise and believed in “purifying” the Church of England by eliminating all aspects of Catholicism.


As expressed by the former president of Catholics United for the Faith, Leon J. Suprenant, “the virtues of diligence and industriousness are deeply ingrained in our nation’s Protestant work ethic.” “Sloth is a sin against God, and not against the time clock or productivity. The fact is that it’s possible to work too much in a way that’s not in keeping with our dignity and ultimate good.” His belief based on Catholic ideology is work and leisure are both products of human freedom and are both intimately tied to our ultimate good.”


While laziness is a part of Sloth, lazinessness alone is arguably not a sin seeing as four characteristics define sloth: carelessness, unwillingness to act, half-hearted effort, and becoming easily discouraged by any possible difficulty. We value the Protestant work ethic today because it made Western Capitalism what it is today. During the 16th and 17th centuries, protestants left Europe once Europeans became too lazy to work harder and self-deny. Some went on to profit from the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and perpetuated Native American genocide.


The main point is laziness is accurate and, as science suggests, is likely due to exhaustion or illness, which is why we should treat laziness with empathy and create natural systems that encourage good work.

  • 4-day work weeks which are proven to increase productivity.

  • The ability to work remotely when appropriate.

  • Encourage Mental Health days (paid time off that does not take from vacation time; increase amount of permitted sick days) and Wellness initiatives within the Work Place.


A Win for #MeToo, Thanks Beyoncé