can we speak, can we speak?
What happens when two tables in a university’s cafeteria can be pushed together to host the entirety of the school’s black student body?
Well (besides abrupt, loud noises), probably Domino games, running laughter, and general HOEteppery. Join us as we discuss social issues, identity, and other things that we’re probably only sort of qualified to talk about as we continue to navigate predominantly white spaces as college-educated twenty-somethings.
We're here to share our mess ups, fumbles, stumbles, and fails so you can navigate life better than us!
Creators and Not Witches, Tima (@timaloveslemons) and Monisha (@monishaholmes), are partnering up to share the world through their eyes: awkward memories, surprising outcomes, and emotional experiences-- all for learning purposes, of course! Each month they share an episode that will focus on topics in friendships, dating, and relationships with family. Tune in on the last Sunday of each month for your social download!